Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Puppies and Peaches

 So....two Saturdays ago I was doing my usual weekend errands (JoAnn, Target, Loft, Hobby Lobby). My last stop was Hobby Lobby, before walking in I told my mom we should go look at the dog adoptions next door (not unusual for me since I stop at every adoption). I walked in and saw a little cage full of furry chihuahua puppies.  I overheard someone saying "the girl was just adopted" and then I picked the little boy up and long story short never put him down again.  This sweet puppy had blue eyes, long hair, and was so precious.
I ended up calling my husband and begging him like a little girl to bring the sweet puppy boy home.
Well, we now have two chihuahuas and our newest is:

 After having him for about two weeks now he weighs 2 pounds and is itsy bitsy.
He can fit in every small part of our house, can't get up the stairs, cries for someone to play with him, and wants his older brother to love him!

He has the cutest floppy run and is very easy to amuse!

We are crate training right now and it is not easy!
Our older pup wants nothing to do with the little one. Any advice??

Last weekend we had some friends over for taco night and we tried a new dessert from The Pioneer Woman. It certainly wasn't fool proof but it was tasty.

You really can't go wrong with peaches and schnapps! 

We used store bought crepes and put a spoonful of fresh peaches and the sweet mixture in the center.

Then you fold up the crepe and seal it with a clothespin. 
*They crack easily- don't know how to solve that one!

We garnished the crepes with fresh peach slices and homemade whipped cream.

I am on a crepe roll right now, planning on making them for breakfast tomorrow from scratch!

Here is the recipe for the crepes:

*Her pictures are amazing, my crepes look like the off brand. They were still tasty!

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