Friday, July 20, 2012

Vacation Part 1

Back to reality.
Alarms, work, cleaning, make-up, exercise, and much more....

Vacation life really is much easier.
This year Blake and I took our annual beach trip to Palm Beach.
We had two whole weeks of sun, laughs, food, books, and a One Tree Hill Marathon (don't judge).

One of my favorite things about my time at the beach is the lack of a schedule and the ability to read so many books! I used to be a one book a year kind of girl while I was at the beach but not anymore.....I have decided to become a year round reader. I guess you could say I am growing up!

While at the beach I was able to read 5 books.

Such a good book, easy to read in one day and you will love it.

The author is one of the new housewives on the New York season, read this one out of curiosity and it was pretty good.

Eh. Not so sure I would pass this book onto a friend, not good or bad.

I was a bit intimidated by this book at first. The size was overwhelming for this new "year round reader" but I am so glad I read it.  Such a powerful and detailed story. Highly recommend reading this one.

Blake read this one at the beach and said I wouldn't be too scared if I read it, I trusted her and read it. It was a great book but hard to read at times. Very sad and disturbing.

As soon as I flew back in town I headed to Barnes & Noble and picked up another book and now all I want to do is read and eat but I must get back in control!
So now I am reading....

I can't put it down. So good! I can't wait to read his other two books.
Although this book is 700+ pages and I am about to start a new school year in second grade so I may finish in 2014.

Anyone have any other recommendations? 

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