Friday, April 29, 2011

Making new things....

I adore aprons.  I have quite a few hanging in my pantry and always look at the adorable ones in Anthropologie.  I enjoy sewing but can easily get overwhelmed so I enjoy making aprons because they are little steps and they always turn into cute creations.  This year one of the parents from school asked me to make aprons for her daughters Easter baskets.  I was so excited because picking out fabric is one of my favorite things to do.  They turned out SO cute but I am so mad at myself for not taking cute pictures.  Things were crazy and I handed them off without good pictures.  This is all I got...
I finally figured out how to do the ruffle correctly on my machine and it made things much easier.

This is my only full picture.  The two aprons were the same size but I switched the ruffles around on them so that the girls could tell them apart.  The girls are so precious looking, I can only imagine how much cuter they make the aprons look.

I had these labels made and sewed them into the aprons on the inside.  My brother did the images and someone from etsy printed them.  I loooove them.  

I always love to make crafts for each holiday with my 2nd grade class.  This was a new craft for me and it turned out to be really cute and easy- perfect craft for a teacher! This year we made bunnies and chicks.

We started with empy baby food jars, you really can use any size.

The first step for the bunny was to fill the jar with cotton balls, for the chick we glued on eyes and a paper beak.

I started with yellow tissue paper but ran out so some of the kids crumpled up yellow construction paper.

The finished product!  The bunny just needed foam ears, eyes, pipe cleaner whiskers, and a fuzzy nose.  the bird had yellow feather glued on the sides.  

We had an Easter party and the kids left these on their desks for decorations.

One of the moms brought in these cupcakes. They immediately caught my eye because they were so precious.  She cut up marshmallows and dipped them in sprinkles and they had an m&m center.  So colorful and pretty!

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