Last weekend we celebrated my dad's birthday at our house.
It was an ice cream themed party with all the toppings one could ever imagine.
It was also a time for family and friends to meet my new baby niece, Letty.
Here are some highlights from the party, decorations, and toppings!
I painted this wood plaque from JoAnn with grey Annie Sloan chalkboard paint. Then I attached the little Happy Birthday banner bunting. My brother added the words in chalk.
We served the ice cream in these colorful Anthropologie bowls.
Mom with baby Letty in her adorable party dress.
The toppings table.
Everything is hard to see because of the Halloween quilt in the background. The three middle decorations were from Hobby Lobby, found them on clearance a looooong time ago. They are supposed to stick in the ground but I had my dad build little bases out of wood scraps so they could sit in them and go on the table.
These were my favorite part of the decorations for this party. We took styrofoam balls and covered them in fabric. We created a ruffle with the same fabric and put it around the bottom of the ball and top of the scrapbook paper cone. I attached the ribbon with a sewing pin so they could hang through my light fixture.
Poncho's sprinkle scarf! Milo had a blue one but was upstairs pouting over wearing his.
Look at those socks!
My aunt came in town for the party and spruced up my front porch....
The husband and the birthday boy.
Every time I throw a party I like to have a treat bag to give away at the end, 9 times out of 10 I forget to tell the guests to take a bag on their way out.
Normally I do chocolate covered pretzels but not this time....when I saw this on Pinterest I knew it would be perfect!

We dipped Nutter Butters in white chocolate, sprinkled them, and added a red m&m for the cherry on top!
The treat bags were chevron and we attached a little gift tag with an ice cream cone on it.
It was a great day with family and friends!